Wednesday, 25 January 2012


Now, I want to explore typography as a separate issue.

I have explored the use of typography, and how and what image it can create; for example it is used to produce:
  • three dimensional images
  • illusions
  • simple statements
  • displaying ideas/concepts of gang culture
As 'TWISTED' is a possible film title for my linked production piece I have used this word and added differently styled and manufactured fonts keeping mind the suitability, relevance and overall presentation of the poster.
I have completed this by using

Here are a chosen number of fonts which are relevant and suitable to the style I am aiming to achieve but at this point in the process these are still ideas.

This is an example of a more conservative approach, but what is successful is the gothic, contemporary edges of each letter. The slight italic styling also adds to the modern, young image I will be proposing.  (Similar to 'Kidulthood' and 'Adulthood' as capital letters with small variation horizontally reads and simply states the film title + allows the image to dominate and tell the story.)

Above, is a more youthful angle on the styling of the title. The white outlining around the capital letters and the faded colour effect gives the text an urban feel, however does draw similarities to text used in American Universities

This font is very much similar to typography used in the young new wave of urban films we see nowadays. The bold black effect is very strong and effective. The jagged, disjointed effect on the lettering could be connotations to anger, corrupton, breaking points and violence which are vital aspects to these new genre of film.

Above, the font is again diverse to other styles and creates more of an illusion and hard-to-stare-at vision.

This font has a strong concept which relates brilliantly to a idea I have had regarding my linked production piece. I will later post my first sketch/idea of a film teaser poster including
  • 2 faces (1 man, 1 woman) in the forefront staring at each other
  • with a grey concrete brick wall as the background
  • central to the image is the man's friends/gang he is a part of creating a similar stance to characters in 'Kidulthood'
  • an idea occurred of the intertwined/twisted relationship of barbed wire and roses which symblises the storyline of the torted and painful love and relationship between this man and woman from very different lives with complicaions of his gang
Returning back to the chosen font, the lower case lettering is dissimilar to large capitals typically used, however the twisting of the letters and the jagged,broken up line running through the title relates so well to my current idea of barbed wire.

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